Stokes Pharmacy

in Lethbridge

Medication Reviews

You can quickly and easily review and manage your prescriptions with our Pharmacists.


We have hundreds of high-quality products available at considerably lower prices.

Our Pharmacy Services

At Stokes Pharmacy, your health is always our top priority. That’s why we offer a generous variety of convenient and affordable services to our patients. Having the right expertise available right at your fingertips makes the access to quality healthcare all the more convenient. This means that whether your child has a fever, your mother is suffering from an awful migraine, or you need the supplies to help an injured limb heal, that you can get exactly what you need when you need it. Our team is highly-trained in all of our products and services, so you can rest assured knowing that you’re receiving the right solution. Some of our services include consultations, prescription compounding, prescription home delivery, blood pressure checks, and injections, among many others. For more information about our services, please get in touch with us today.

Meeting Your Needs

We’ve got you covered for all of your holiday and seasonal needs.

Vitamins & Supplements

Herbs with alternative medicine herbal supplements and pills

New Baby?


Allergy Season

Young woman with allergy symptom blowing nose in park

Our Mission

The health and wellness of both you and your loved ones should always be of utmost importance. At Stokes Pharmacy, we always hold your needs above our own. That’s why we stock our shelves with some of the highest-quality products available to the healthcare industry. That’s why our pharmacy is fully-equipped with innovative and advanced technology. That’s why our pharmacists always greet our patients with a smile and treat them with respect and equality. Because to us, the health, wellness, and happiness of our patients is always top priority. The warm and welcoming atmosphere within Stokes Pharmacy let’s our patients know that they can feel comfortable and confident in allowing us to meet their medical and healthcare needs.

Our Legacy

From humble beginnings, our pharmacy has grown into the local leader for medical products and healthcare advice in Lethbridge. Stokes Drugs was founded in 1918 by Ernie Stokes. Since then, three generations of Stokes pharmacists owned and operated Stokes Pharmacy. Today, Evelyn and Zak Murakami, both pharmacists, own Stokes Pharmacy and maintain the local personal pharmacy care established by the Stokes family. Give us a call or visit us in person to get started.

Meet the Lethbridge Pharmacy Team

Visit the Pharmacy in Lethbridge

We look forward to welcoming you to our store. Please reference the map below for directions to the pharmacy.

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